Instytut Nafty i Gazu - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy

Division for Prospecting of Hydrocarbon Deposits
- Evaluating prospecting possibilities in different regions;
- Evaluating the natural resources of crude oil and natural gas;
- Estimating the physical and crude oil deposits parameters and the properties of fluids;
- Microbiological applications in the area of drilling, exploitation of hydrocarbons beds and underground gas repositories;
- Renewable energy.
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Division of Hydrocarbon Production Engineering
- Drilling technology;
- Liquids for drilling and well cementing technologies;
- The development and exploitation of crude oil and natural gas deposits;
- Designing of hydrocarbon exploitation stimulation processes;
- Simulating the bed processes and underground gas storages;
- Well reconstruction technology.
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Division of Gas Engineering
- Evaluation of plastics for the gas industry;
- Technical evaluation of the gas fittings of the measurement instruments;
- Studying the changes of the metrology features of the gas-meters;
- Quality and technical evaluation of the installations burning the hydrocarbon fuels;
- New technologies of utilizing gas;
- Problems of environmental protection in the gas and oil industry.
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Division of Petroleum Processing
- The analytical and technological evaluation of crude oils;
- Simulation of crude oil processing (distillation, selective rafination, oil fractions dewaxing, crude oil fractions dearomatization);
- Catalysts evaluations for refinery processes;
- Development of the technology for liquid fuels, solid hydrocarbons, aphalts, greases, grease oils, other petroleum products;
- Synthesis and performance evaluation of additives for petroleum products;
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