Instytut Nafty i Gazu - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy

Oil and Gas Institute - National Research Institute is one of the oldest research institutes in Poland. Its history dates back to November 29, 1944, when the State Petroleum Office issued a document authorizing the Oil Institute to be set up, with its headquarters in Krosno.

On January 7, 1945, the official opening of the Oil Institute took place, launching intensive activity to benefit the domestic oil and gas industry.

In 1948, the Oil Institute was moved to Krakow, leaving a branch in Krosno which has continued operating as part of the Institute to this day.

In March 1952, the Central Gas Engineering Laboratory (CGEL) was established in Warsaw. In 1970, the Laboratory was moved to Krakow and, in 1972, the Gas Engineering Institute was established on the basis of the CGEL; its headquarters were located in Krakow and there was a branch in Warsaw. 

The efforts made by the Institute in order to win favourable referrals and testimonials have borne fruit in the form of:

  • entrusting the Institute with the supervision of the utilization of EU funds assigned for the development of the Polish power industry’s infrastructure,
  • the ISO 900:2008 management system certification and accreditation of the majority of its laboratories in line with PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005, affirming the conformity of the Institute’s resource management and reliability with which it carries out the work commissioned from it,
  • EU notification authorizing the Institute to carry out compliance assessment procedures for products and appliances which operate within the field of its specialization,
  • rights for the accreditation, authorizations and notifications, to carry out product compliance assessment processes, and quality system certifications, as well as to issue the compliance certificates provided by the Certification Office operating by the Institute,
  • the right to issue approval for the construction products used in gaseous fuel networks and installations.

The Institute has contributed to spectacular successes of the industry, as well as to every aspect of its daily operations without publicity. The names of its staff and the titles of their works can be found in a wealth of documentation connected with the development and functioning of the gas, oil, and fuel sector.

The Institute’s Mission:

The Institute is a recognised research entity cooperating in wide ranging operations with the state administration, working to boost energy and public security of the Poland and for its sustainable development. The Institute has been carrying out scientific research and development work for the Polish oil and gas industry.

The Institute’s mission comprises transferring of advanced technologies, products and knowledge to industrial practice. The Institute has been implementing its mission by applying the highest standards in scientific research, developing certification and standardization activities and developing cooperation with reputable scientific centres.

The Institute is striving to achieve the position of the best scientific entity in the oil and gas sector.