Instytut Nafty i Gazu - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy

Hotel Krynica****
ul. Park Sportowy 3,
33-380 Krynica-Zdrój

hotel krynica

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Lubicz str. 25 A

31-503 Kraków

Contact in organizational matters and application for participation:

Magdalena Skórska-Sawina
Tel.: + 48 12 617 74 95
Fax: + 48 12 61 77 518

Contact on matters of substance concerning presentations and papers:

Magdalena Żółty

All persons taking part in the Conference as speakers, please:

  • prepare and submit papers in the form of an article to the prescribed period
  • sign and return the consent Publication Form
  • prepare and send your presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint format to the prescribed period

The paper should be prepared in the form of an article which will be published in the form of a monograph and distributed at the venue to all conference participants.

The paper should be prepared according to the following guidelines:

  • suggested number of pages is from 5 to 8 in A4 format, including charts, drawings and tables
  • text editor MS Word, Times New Roman font 12 pt., line spacing 1.5
  • presentation title
  • names of the authors and company
  • recommended structure of the article: summary (1500-2000 characters with spaces), introduction, theoretical analysis, research methodology, experimental part, results and their discussion, conclusions, bibliography (alphabetically)



We are kindly asking you to adapt to these guidelines, which will significantly facilitate preparation of conference materials.

The Organizing Committee is hereby asking all companies interested in contributing to the sixth edition of our Conference as well as would like to indicate their presents during this industry event to contact us at:

We propose among other things:

  • an advert in the industry magazine „Nafta-Gaz”
  • logo with link to your website, to be inserted on our conference website, and in conference materials, conference program and multimedia presentation displayed during the conference,
  • advertising space for exhibiting promotional materials, test equipment, advertising wall and roll-ups,
  • including advertising materials, information and sponsor’s gadgets to conference materials.