Highly qualified and experienced personnel, modern testing-measuring equipment. High quality of services guaranteed by the implemented Quality Management System ISO 9001 and by the accreditation of Polish Centre for Accreditation (Accreditation Certificate for Research Laboratory No AB 041 and for Calibration Laboratory No AP 152).

- tests of gas meters, volume conversion devices, pressure and temperature transducers and sensors of platinum resistance thermometers within PCA accreditation No AB041 (including assessment of conformity to MID directive – Module B):
- tests of rotary gas meters, acc. to PN-EN 12480,
- tests of turbine gas meters, acc. to PN-EN 12261,
- tests of diaphragm gas meters, acc. to PN-EN 1359 (resistance to neodymium magnets),
- tests of volume conversion devices, pressure and temperature transducers and sensors of platinum resistance thermometers acc. to PN-EN 12405-1 and PN-EN 12405-2;
- tests of diaphragm, turbine, rotary, ultrasonic, and thermal mass flow gas meters acc. to recommendations of OIML R137;
- tests of protective coatings resistance to corrosion, salt spray, humidity, impact, scratching, and of chemical resistance to liquids;
- tests of gas meters acc. to EN 16314 and specification T/SP/PRS/11 (including resistance to dust contaminants/glycol);
- gas meters calibration in the range from 0.015 m3/h to 1000 m3/h;
- calibration of electrical quantities meters and calibrators: DC and AC voltage in the range (0-1000) V DC and AC current intensity in the range (0-20) A, resistance in the range 0 Ω–20 GΩ;

- calibration of manometers, pressure calibrators and transducers as well as pressure measurement lines in (0-135) bar abs/gauge range;
- calibration of resistance thermometers sensors, temperature transducers, thermocouples, liquid-in-glass thermometers, digital thermometers and temperature measurement lines in (-40-660)°C range.
- the research work related to the unaccouted for gas, illegal gas collection, and gas consumption forecasting;
- the research work related to the gas distribution and transmission.
- mechanoscopic experts' opinions on gas meters related to illegal gas consumption, taking into account determination of neodymium magnets influence on the gas meter readings;
- metrological experts' opinions related to proper gas meters operation.
Head: Paweł Kułaga, MSc. Eng.
Address: 1 Bagrowa Str., 30-733 Cracow, POLAND
Phone: +48 12 617 74 26
Fax: +48 12 653 16 65
E-mail: pawel.kulaga@inig.pl