Instytut Nafty i Gazu - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy

Scheduled conferences:



  14-16 October 2024

Dear Sir/Madam

We would like to warmly invite you to participate in the 14th International Scientific – Technical Conference LUBRICANTS 2024.

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Conferences that have passed into history:


Dear Sir/Madam

We would like to warmly invite you to participate in the 12-th International Scientific – Technical Conference LUBRICANTS 2023. The conference will be organized by the Oil and Gas Institute – National Research Institute and the Association of Oil and Motor Industries Cooperation CEC POLSKA.

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Z przyjemnością informujemy, że kolejna edycja Konferencji Naukowo-Technicznej FORGAZ odbędzie się w dniach 6-8 czerwca 2022r. w Zakopanem

We are pleased to announce that the next edition of the FORGAZ Scientific and Technical Conference will be held on June 6-8, 2022 in Zakopane.

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Dear Sir/Madam

We would like to warmly invite you to participate in the 11-th International Scientific – Technical Conference LUBRICANTS 2021. The conference will be organized by the Oil and Gas Institute – National Research Institute and the Association of Oil and Motor Industries Cooperation CEC POLSKA.

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Dear Sir/Madam

We would like to warmly invite you to participate in the 10-th International Scientific – Technical Conference LUBRICANTS 2019.

The conference is organized by the Oil and Gas Institute – National Research Institute and the Association of Oil and Motor Industries Cooperation - CEC POLSKA.

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The main objective of the conference will be presentation of the current research and development problems related to the latest advances in respect of oil and gas mining, compared with the worldwide achievements, as well as exchange of experience and establishing closer cooperation with represantatives of institutions responsible for the development of this sector in the EU member states and Central
European countries.

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We would like to warmly invite you to participate in the 9-th International Scientific – Technical Conference LUBRICANTS 2018.


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8th International Scientific – Technical Conference LUBRICANTS 2017

8th International Scientific – Technical Conference LUBRICANTS 2017. The conference will be organized by the Oil and Gas Institute – National Research Institute and the Association of Oil and Motor Industries Cooperation CEC POLSKA. The invitation is intended for people dealing with production of base oils and additives to oils, lubricants and fluids technology distribution of components for lubricants, work in the R & D departments, production of lubricants, economic governance and lubricant production in companies

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10th International Conference Geopetrol 2016 entitled “Cooperation of science and industry in hydrocarbon exploration and production”

The main objective of the conference will be presentation of the current research and development problems related to the latest advances in respect of oil and gas mining, compared with the worldwide achievements, as well as exchange of experiences and establishing closer cooperation with representatives of institutions responsible for the development of this sector in the EU member states and Central European countries.

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VII edition of LUBRICANTS Conference 2016, 11-13 May 2016

The theme of the seventh edition of the Conference will be modern lubricants for specialist applications in industry and the automotive industry.

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VII edition of LUBRICANTS Conference 2016, 11-13 May 2016

The theme of the seventh edition of the Conference will be modern lubricants for specialist applications in industry and the automotive industry.

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Alcohol fuels for transport - background, research and development

We invite you to participate in the conference BIOTRETH - Alcohol fuels for transport - background, research and development

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