Instytut Nafty i Gazu - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy

On behalf of the Oil and Gas Institute – National Research Institute (INiG – PIB) the FEDE Centre fulfils the role of Implementing Authority for the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme for the years 2014-2020, measure 7.1 Development of gas and electricity smart distribution, storage, and transmission systems, under which the following projects will be financed:

  • construction and/or reconstruction of natural gas transmission and distribution grids, together with the system support infrastructure using the smart technology,
  • construction and/or reconstruction of electricity transmission and distribution grids for voltages not lower than 110kV using the smart technology,
  • increase in the LNG terminal regasification capacity.

Tasks performed by the INiG-PIB through the FEDE Centre include:

  1. Preparation and assessment of infrastructuralprojects in the power sector.
  2. Monitoring the projects implementation, financial progress, as well as the achievement of outcomes assumed in the financed project.
  3. Receiving, verification, and approval of payment applications filed by beneficiaries.
  4. Approval of eligible expenditures incurred by project implementing entities and making payments (advance, interim/final) to beneficiaries.
  5. Recovery and return of improperly spent funds.
  6. Performance of project controls and also carrying out the proceeding since its commencement with respect to the correctness of procurement procedures application, control of concluded contracts as well as control of contract amendments conclusion.
  7. Giving opinions on the bidding documentation (i.e. Terms of Reference, announcement of the procurement, invitation to submit bids).
  8. Detection of any irregularities.

The obligations specified above include carrying out informational and promotional activities, which in particular consist in:

  • carrying out informational activity among interested entities about possibilities to use theEuropean funds for the power sector,
  • providing the interested entities with the information about principles of promotional activit in the field of projects financed from the European Funds and monitoring and controlling the performance of those obligations.

The FEDE Centre carries out also training for beneficiaries in all areas related to the application for funds and project Implementation until closing, settling and maintaining the durability of outcomes predicted in the applications.

The INiG – PIB, carrying out its tasks, on a current basis monitors and reports to the Intermediating Authority (Ministerstwo Klimatu) on all actions related to the implementation of the 2014-2020 Infrastructure and Environment programme. The Institute cooperates with the Ministry of Climate, also in the development of assumptions for the implementation of the new perspective 2021-2027. The FEDE Centre is involved also in measures 10.1 and 10.2 of the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme for the years 2007-2013, related to the completion of the 2007-2013 financial perspective. Under those actions the following were co-financed: 4 underground gas storage facilities, 8 natural gas transmission pipelines, in total nearly 1000 km long, the LNG regasification terminal in Świnoujście, the Poland-Lithuania power link, 24 projects of natural gas distribution grid construction, in total almost 1600 km long.


Supervisior: Maria Migdał, MSc. Eng.
Address: 25 A Lubicz Str., 31-503 Cracow, POLAND
Phone: +48 12 370 37 02
Fax: +48 12 430 38 85

W dniach 10–15 lutego 2014 r., z okazji jubileuszu 60-lecia nawiązania stosunków dyplomatycznych pomiędzy Polską i Indiami, przebywała w Indiach (New Delhi, Kalkuta) Polska Misja Biznesowa, której przewodniczył Wiceminister Gospodarki Jerzy Pietrewicz. W misji tej z ramienia Instytutu uczestniczyli panowie: Winicjusz Stanik i Leszek Ziemiański.
