Instytut Nafty i Gazu - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy

Lexicon of petroleum products and operating fluids

We are pleased to announce the release of a Lexicon of oil products and operating fluids, a unique publication on the Polish publishing market . Written under the direction of Wiesław Górski, the Lexicon contains over 4000 entries in the field of crude oil and its products, processing of crude oil, storage of crude oil and petroleum products, laboratory tests and equipment used in crude oil processing, along with their translation into English.

The lexicon, issued thanks to the financial support of Orlen Oil, is dedicated to the employees of the oil industry, employees of research institutes, teachers, students and users of petroleum products and operating fluids.

This publication is available at the Scientific and Technical Information Center of the Oil and Gas Institute - National Research Institute, phone: 12 617 76 32, e-mail:, in the price of PLN 150 net + 5% VAT per copy.