Instytut Nafty i Gazu - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy

We cordially invite authors to submit their scientific works to the Oil and Gas Institute – National Research Institute Publishing Houses, which specialize in providing knowledge in the field of: geology and geochemistry, exploration and drilling geophysics, drilling and testing of oil and gas deposits, optimization of drilling technology, deposit engineering and development of oil and gas fields, gas transport and storage, fuel and energy balance, optimization of gas use, improvement of petroleum processing, development of raw material analytics, intermediates and products using modern methods of instrumental analysis, economic and organizational issues related to oil industry, information on the domestic and foreign oil industry, environmental protection in the oil and gas industry, including land reclamation after hydrocarbon exploration and production .
We are awaiting work related to the above-mentioned topics.

The manuscript submitted to the Editorial (electronically or in person) in a digital version should be the original study of the author/authors in the field of scientific discipline represented by the publishing series "Scientific Works Oil and Gas Institute –National Research Institute".
This work cannot be previously published in another publishing house or internet portal, or submitted simultaneously to print in another publishing house. It cannot infringe on copyrights, legal and material interests of other persons within the meaning of the Act of 04.02.1994 on copyright and related rights (Journal of Laws 2017, item 880).
The author sends to the Editorial, a scientific work prepared in accordance with the "Instructions for Authors" published on the Institute's website and guidelines contained in the instructions for authors.


The publishing house publishes only original, informational, review and research papers, consistent with the subject of the Publishing House, with a minimum of 6 publishing sheets (about 240,000 characters with spaces).


Works submitted for publication are verified by two independent reviewers in order to eliminate any inaccuracies.
Works requiring corrections are returned to the authors along with reviewers' comments. The final text of the scientific work / monograph, prepared for print, is forwarded to the author for proofreading. Corrected and accepted text should be returned to the Editorial of INiG – PIB Publishers at the latest within 10 business days from the date of its receipt.

Exceeding this deadline may result in postponing the date of publication of the monograph.
Details of the reviewing procedure can be found on the website.