TYTUŁ: Granica diageneza/anchimetamorfizm w skałach najwyższego proterozoiku i kambru ze wschodniej części bloku małopolskiego wyznaczona na podstawie badań minerałów ilastych
Autorzy: Sylwia Kowalska
ISSN: 0209-0724 |
Abstract Examination of the clay material proved that the changes from late diagenesis (from over 20% S in I/S) to anchimetamorphism (to < 10% S in I/S and KI < 0,30 Δ°2θ) within the Ediacaran-Cambrian complex proceeded gradually. That rocks was affected by the maximum paleotemperatures from the range of 150°C to nearly 300°C, respectively. The maximum anchimetamorphism was discovered in the south-eastern part of the lower San anticline. Examination of the illitic material allowed to determine the boundary between late diagenesis and anchimetamorphism. Despite generally continuous character of observed diagenetic and anchimetamorphic changes, the lateral analysis of described parameters allowed to discover areas of tectonic nature where these changes occurred abruptly. Two main such a places of the regional importance were assigned: the Trzciana-Mielec fault zone and the Ryszkowa Wola Horst, which might be the southern part of the TT line or extension of the Holy Cross Mountains dislocation. Generally, the lowest degree of diagenesis was found in the western part of the Małopolska massif and several samples from the Upper Silesian massif. Significant dis-tribution of values of diagnostic parameters: % S in I/S and KI, obtained for the Upper Silesian massif in single boreholes can be associated with the presence of phenomena of contact metamorphism. The advance of diagenesis and metamorphism was determined using two different X-ray methods, i.e. on the basis of the content of swelling layers in illite-smectite (% S in I/S) and the illite crystallinity index (the Kübler index). The presence of the anchimetamorphic zone was additionally confirmed by complementary tests: analysis of illite polytypes, chemical composition and polytypes of chlorites, as well as microscopic observations. |
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